Keep Yourself Safe

Beach safety signage
Massey University project

NZ’s annual preventable drowning toll is horrifically high, and continues to rise, year after year. This project was aimed to help lower those statistics by making the most important information accessible at the areas it is needed most - the beach.

Most drownings occur outside of lifeguard hours, or outside of patrolled areas/beaches. Our lifeguards are incredible, but they can only do so much. I set out to create a universally recognisable set of illustration-centred signage to facilitate the identification of rip currents, to allow beachgoers to take charge of their own safety.  

For my project to stand out among the mess of existing signage at Wellington's coastal areas (the base for my research and development) I collated the existing sprawl of information and designed a modular system for it all. This allowed for location-specific information, whilst maintaining a cohesive and uniform identity.